diff --git a/deep_sequencing_unit/dist/etc/service.properties b/deep_sequencing_unit/dist/etc/service.properties
index ef5450a39983756436f027793b95bc15d630fd91..d655d054e49dea3a8a3351537c20d0fc67420c47 100644
--- a/deep_sequencing_unit/dist/etc/service.properties
+++ b/deep_sequencing_unit/dist/etc/service.properties
@@ -84,6 +84,23 @@ data-set-file-name-entity-separator = _
 # Note that this can increase the server load.
 # reprocess-faulty-datasets = false
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# reporting and processing plugins configuration
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Comma separated names of reporting plugins. Each plugin should have configuration properties prefixed with its name.
+# If name has 'default-' prefix it will be used by default in data set Data View.
+reporting-plugins = illumina-summary
+# Label of the plugin which will be shown for the users.
+illumina-summary.label = Illumina Summary 
+# Comma separated list of dataset type codes which can be handled by this plugin.
+illumina-summary.dataset-types = SHORT_READS_SEQUENCING, ILLUMINA_GA_OUTPUT
+# Plugin class specification (together with the list of packages this class belongs to).
+illumina-summary.class = ch.ethz.bsse.cisd.dsu.dss.plugins.IlluminaSummaryReportingPlugin
+# The property file. Its content will be passed as a parameter to the plugin.
+illumina-summary.properties-file =
 # Comma separated names of processing threads. Each thread should have configuration properties prefixed with its name.
 # E.g. 'code-extractor' property for the thread 'my-etl' should be specified as 'my-etl.code-extractor'
 inputs = flow-cell, fl1, fl2
diff --git a/deep_sequencing_unit/etc/service.properties b/deep_sequencing_unit/etc/service.properties
index 15b9e6b893a8099aa7ffd2addd3d8ed8deb616a7..70c253e1c5b0d312b22fb9c18cf132724a94258c 100644
--- a/deep_sequencing_unit/etc/service.properties
+++ b/deep_sequencing_unit/etc/service.properties
@@ -84,6 +84,23 @@ data-set-file-name-entity-separator = _
 # Note that this can increase the server load.
 # reprocess-faulty-datasets = false
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# reporting and processing plugins configuration
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Comma separated names of reporting plugins. Each plugin should have configuration properties prefixed with its name.
+# If name has 'default-' prefix it will be used by default in data set Data View.
+reporting-plugins = illumina-summary
+# Label of the plugin which will be shown for the users.
+illumina-summary.label = Illumina Summary 
+# Comma separated list of dataset type codes which can be handled by this plugin.
+illumina-summary.dataset-types = SHORT_READS_SEQUENCING, ILLUMINA_GA_OUTPUT
+# Plugin class specification (together with the list of packages this class belongs to).
+illumina-summary.class = ch.ethz.bsse.cisd.dsu.dss.plugins.IlluminaSummaryReportingPlugin
+# The property file. Its content will be passed as a parameter to the plugin.
+illumina-summary.properties-file =
 # Comma separated names of processing threads. Each thread should have configuration properties prefixed with its name.
 # E.g. 'code-extractor' property for the thread 'my-etl' should be specified as 'my-etl.code-extractor'
 inputs = flow-cell, fl1, fl2