diff --git a/plasmid/source/core-plugins/weismigration/1/as/definitions.py b/plasmid/source/core-plugins/weismigration/1/as/definitions.py
index 5674e9f144c28d8832b2a0cc5ab2e635bdecf1b1..c3491ef0f6af08d7a289dfed6471a65369e65016 100644
--- a/plasmid/source/core-plugins/weismigration/1/as/definitions.py
+++ b/plasmid/source/core-plugins/weismigration/1/as/definitions.py
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ commentsScriptName = "COMMENTS";
 gcScriptName= "GC"
 atScriptName= "AT"
 lengthScriptName= "SEQUENCE_LENGTH"
 # Storage 
diff --git a/plasmid/source/core-plugins/weismigration/1/as/initialize-master-data.py b/plasmid/source/core-plugins/weismigration/1/as/initialize-master-data.py
index a9763c5223dc618b2173af3b1c1610dfc5124093..c4f6eb17b1ae3bff3715027a5a4b3826fec84132 100644
--- a/plasmid/source/core-plugins/weismigration/1/as/initialize-master-data.py
+++ b/plasmid/source/core-plugins/weismigration/1/as/initialize-master-data.py
@@ -130,7 +130,21 @@ def createScript(path, name, description, scriptType, entityType):
     return script;
+def createAnnotationsScriptForType(sampleTypeCode):
+    annotationsScriptName = None;
+        annotationsScriptName = "ANNOTATIONS_" + sampleTypeCode;
+        annotationsScriptAsString = open(PATH_TO_MANAGE_PROPERTIES_SCRIPTS + "managed.py", 'r').read();
+        annotationsScriptAsString = annotationsScriptAsString.replace("<REPLACE_WITH_ANNOTABLE_TYPE>", sampleTypeCode);
+        annotationsScript = tr.getOrCreateNewScript(annotationsScriptName);
+        annotationsScript.setName(annotationsScriptName);
+        annotationsScript.setDescription("Annotations Handler for " + sampleTypeCode);
+        annotationsScript.setScript(annotationsScriptAsString);
+        annotationsScript.setScriptType("MANAGED_PROPERTY");
+        annotationsScript.setEntityForScript("SAMPLE");
+    return annotationsScriptName;    
 ## Managed properties scripts
@@ -166,6 +180,9 @@ lengthScriptName = createScript(PATH_TO_MANAGE_PROPERTIES_SCRIPTS + "length.py",
                                   "Count length sequence",
 ## Vocabulary Types
diff --git a/plasmid/source/core-plugins/weismigration/1/compatibility/managed.py b/plasmid/source/core-plugins/weismigration/1/compatibility/managed.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6d6312c0f92b6c8bcc7e59032b5bbad4d7005858
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plasmid/source/core-plugins/weismigration/1/compatibility/managed.py
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+from ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.server import CommonServiceProvider
+## Configuration
+# This needs to be edited for each sample type to match the Profile.js ANNOTATION_PROPERTIES map.
+configuration = {}
+configuration["MEDIA"] = {
+                          "CHEMICAL" : {"QUANTITY" : False, "COMMENTS" : False },
+                          "SOLUTION_BUFFER" : {"QUANTITY" : False, "COMMENTS" : False },
+                          "MEDIA" : {"QUANTITY" : False, "COMMENTS" : False }
+                         };
+configuration["SOLUTION_BUFFER"] = {
+                          "CHEMICAL" : {"QUANTITY" : False, "COMMENTS" : False },
+                          "SOLUTION_BUFFER" : {"QUANTITY" : False, "COMMENTS" : False },
+                          "MEDIA" : {"QUANTITY" : False, "COMMENTS" : False }
+                         };
+configuration["GENERAL_PROTOCOL"] = {
+                          "CHEMICAL" : {"QUANTITY" : False, "COMMENTS" : False },
+                          "SOLUTION_BUFFER" : {"QUANTITY" : False, "COMMENTS" : False },
+                          "MEDIA" : {"QUANTITY" : False, "COMMENTS" : False },
+                          "ENZYME" : {"QUANTITY" : False, "COMMENTS" : False },
+                          "GENERAL_PROTOCOL" : {"COMMENTS" : False }
+                         };
+configuration["PCR_PROTOCOL"] = {
+                          "CHEMICAL" : {"QUANTITY" : False, "COMMENTS" : False },
+                          "SOLUTION_BUFFER" : {"QUANTITY" : False, "COMMENTS" : False },
+                          "ENZYME" : {"QUANTITY" : False, "COMMENTS" : False }
+                         };
+configuration["WESTERN_BLOTTING_PROTOCOL"] = {
+                          "CHEMICAL" : {"QUANTITY" : False, "COMMENTS" : False },
+                          "SOLUTION_BUFFER" : {"QUANTITY" : False, "COMMENTS" : False },
+                          "ANTIBODY" : {"QUANTITY" : False, "COMMENTS" : False }
+                         };
+configuration["PLASMID"] = {
+                          "PLASMID" : {"COMMENTS" : False }
+                         };
+configuration["BACTERIA"] = {
+                          "BACTERIA" : {"COMMENTS" : False },
+                          "PLASMID" : {"PLASMID_RELATIONSHIP" : False, "PLASMID_ANNOTATION" : False, "COMMENTS" : False }
+                         };
+configuration["YEAST"] = {
+                          "YEAST" : {"COMMENTS" : False },
+                          "PLASMID" : {"PLASMID_RELATIONSHIP" : False, "PLASMID_ANNOTATION" : False, "COMMENTS" : False, "CONTAINED" : False }
+                         };
+configuration["CELL_LINE"] = {
+                          "CELL_LINE" : {"COMMENTS" : False },
+                          "PLASMID" : {"PLASMID_RELATIONSHIP" : False, "PLASMID_ANNOTATION" : False, "COMMENTS" : False },
+                          "FLY" : {"COMMENTS" : False }
+                         };
+configuration["FLY"] = {
+                          "FLY" : {"COMMENTS" : False },
+                          "PLASMID" : {"PLASMID_RELATIONSHIP" : False, "PLASMID_ANNOTATION" : False, "COMMENTS" : False }
+                         };
+configuration["EXPERIMENTAL_STEP"] = {
+                          "ANTIBODY" : {"QUANTITY" : False, "COMMENTS" : False },
+                          "BACTERIA" : {"COMMENTS" : False },
+                          "CELL_LINE" : {"COMMENTS" : False },
+                          "CHEMICAL" : {"QUANTITY" : False, "COMMENTS" : False },
+                          "ENZYME" : {"QUANTITY" : False, "COMMENTS" : False },
+                          "FLY" : {"COMMENTS" : False },
+                          "MEDIA" : {"QUANTITY" : False, "COMMENTS" : False },
+                          "OLIGO" : {"COMMENTS" : False },
+                          "PLASMID" : {"COMMENTS" : False },
+                          "RNA" : {"COMMENTS" : False },
+                          "SOLUTION_BUFFER" : {"QUANTITY" : False, "COMMENTS" : False },
+                          "YEAST" : {"COMMENTS" : False },
+                          "GENERAL_PROTOCOL" : {"COMMENTS" : False },
+                          "PCR_PROTOCOL" : {"COMMENTS" : False },
+                          "WESTERN_BLOTTING_PROTOCOL" : {"COMMENTS" : False }
+                         };
+configurationCopyParents = {}
+configurationCopyParents["YEAST"] = { "YEAST" : "PLASMID" };
+#Global Variables
+propertyTypes = None
+def getPropertyTypes():
+    global propertyTypes
+    if propertyTypes is None:
+        server = CommonServiceProvider.getCommonServer()
+        contextOrNull = server.tryToAuthenticateAsSystem()
+        propertyTypes = server.listPropertyTypes(contextOrNull.getSessionToken(), False)
+    return propertyTypes;
+## Help Methods
+def getAllAnnotableSampleTypesForType(fromAnnotableType):
+    allTypes = {};
+    for sampleTypeWithAnnotations in configuration:
+        if (fromAnnotableType == None) or (fromAnnotableType == sampleTypeWithAnnotations):
+            for sampleTypeWithAnnotationsForType in configuration[sampleTypeWithAnnotations]:
+                    allTypes[sampleTypeWithAnnotationsForType] = True;
+    return allTypes;
+def getPropertyTypesForSampleTypeFromAnnotableType(sampleTypeCodeToFind, fromAnnotableType):
+    for sampleTypeWithAnnotations in configuration:
+        if (fromAnnotableType == None) or (fromAnnotableType == sampleTypeWithAnnotations):
+            for sampleTypeWithAnnotationsForType in configuration[sampleTypeWithAnnotations]:
+                    if sampleTypeWithAnnotationsForType == sampleTypeCodeToFind:
+                            return configuration[sampleTypeWithAnnotations][sampleTypeWithAnnotationsForType];
+    return None;
+def getPropertyType(propertyTypeCode):
+    for propertyType in getPropertyTypes():
+        if propertyType.code == propertyTypeCode:
+            return propertyType
+    return None;
+def createAnnotationsFor(identifier, annotations, sampleType):
+    permId = entityInformationProvider().getSamplePermId(identifier);
+    newAnnotation = elementFactory().createSampleLink(permId)
+    newAnnotation.addAttribute("identifier", identifier)
+    newAnnotation.addAttribute("sampleType", sampleType)
+    for annotation in annotations:
+        newAnnotation.addAttribute(annotation, annotations[annotation])
+    return newAnnotation
+def getWidgetForAdd(sampleTypeCode, annotableType):
+    #print "sampleTypeCode:" + sampleTypeCode + " - " + annotableType #Deleting this comment causes the thing to break
+    widgets = []
+    widgetIdentifier = inputWidgetFactory().createTextInputField("identifier")\
+                            .setMandatory(True)\
+                            .setValue("")\
+                            .setDescription("")
+    widgets.append(widgetIdentifier)
+    for propertyTypeCode in getPropertyTypesForSampleTypeFromAnnotableType(sampleTypeCode, annotableType):
+        propertyType = getPropertyType(propertyTypeCode)
+        widget = inputWidgetFactory().createTextInputField(propertyType.label)\
+                        .setMandatory(getPropertyTypesForSampleTypeFromAnnotableType(sampleTypeCode, annotableType)[propertyTypeCode])\
+                        .setValue("")\
+                        .setDescription(propertyType.description)
+        widgets.append(widget)
+    return widgets;
+def isValid(dataType, value):
+    return True
+## Registration form (EXPERIMENTAL)
+# def inputWidgets():
+#     print "EXECUTING inputWidgets START"
+#     widgetsToCopyFrom = []
+#     if annotableType in configurationCopyParents:
+#         toCopyFrom = configurationCopyParents[annotableType]
+#         if(toCopyFrom is not None):
+#             for key in toCopyFrom:
+#                 widgetLabel = key + " to copy " + toCopyFrom[key]
+#                 print "EXECUTING inputWidgets key: " + widgetLabel
+#                 widgetToCopyFrom = inputWidgetFactory().createTextInputField(widgetLabel).setMandatory(False)
+#                 widgetsToCopyFrom.append(widgetToCopyFrom)
+#     print "EXECUTING inputWidgets " + str(len(widgetsToCopyFrom))
+#     return widgetsToCopyFrom
+# def updateFromRegistrationForm(bindings):
+#     print "EXECUTING updateFromaRegistrationForm"
+#     for key in bindings:
+#         print "MANAGED WITH KEY: " + str(key)
+## Main Methods
+def configureUI():
+    # Add Headers
+    tableBuilder = createTableBuilder()
+    tableBuilder.addHeader("identifier")
+    tableBuilder.addHeader("sampleType")
+    tableBuilder.addHeader("name")
+    usedTableHeaders = {"identifier" : True, "sampleType" : True, "name" : True }
+    for sampleTypeCode in getAllAnnotableSampleTypesForType(annotableType):
+        for propertyTypeCode in getPropertyTypesForSampleTypeFromAnnotableType(sampleTypeCode, annotableType):
+            if propertyTypeCode not in usedTableHeaders:
+                tableBuilder.addHeader(propertyTypeCode)
+                usedTableHeaders[propertyTypeCode] = True
+    property.setOwnTab(True)
+    uiDescription = property.getUiDescription()
+    uiDescription.useTableOutput(tableBuilder.getTableModel())
+    # Add Rows
+    samples = list(propertyConverter().convertToElements(property))
+    for sample in samples:
+        row = tableBuilder.addRow()
+        permId = sample.getAttribute("permId")
+        nameValue = entityInformationProvider().getSamplePropertyValue(permId, "NAME")
+        if nameValue is not None:
+            row.setCell("name", nameValue)
+        for annotation in sample.getAttributes():
+            if annotation != "permId":
+                if annotation == "identifier":
+                    row.setCell(annotation, sample, sample.getAttribute(annotation))
+                else:
+                    row.setCell(annotation, sample.getAttribute(annotation))
+    # Add Create buttons
+    for sampleTypeCode in getAllAnnotableSampleTypesForType(annotableType):
+        title = "Add " + sampleTypeCode;
+        addAction = uiDescription.addTableAction(title).setDescription(title)
+        widgets = getWidgetForAdd(sampleTypeCode, annotableType)
+        addAction.addInputWidgets(widgets)
+    # TO-DO Edit button for each type with different hooks to the columns depending on the type
+    # Add Edit Button (EXPERIMENTAL)
+#     editAction = uiDescription.addTableAction('Edit').setDescription('Edit selected table row')
+#     editAction.setRowSelectionRequiredSingle()
+#     editWidgets = []
+#     for headerKey in usedTableHeaders:
+#         editWidgets.append(inputWidgetFactory().createTextInputField(headerKey))
+#         editAction.addBinding(headerKey, headerKey)
+#     editAction.addInputWidgets(editWidgets)
+    # Add Delete button
+    deleteAction = uiDescription.addTableAction("Delete")\
+                                .setDescription('Are you sure you want to delete selected annotation?')
+    deleteAction.setRowSelectionRequired() # Delete is enabled when at least 1 row is selected.
+def updateFromUI(action):
+    converter = propertyConverter()
+    elements = list(converter.convertToElements(property))
+    if action.name.startswith("Add"):
+        sampleTypeCode = action.name[4:]
+        identifier = action.getInputValue("identifier")
+        annotations = { }
+        for propertyTypeCode in getPropertyTypesForSampleTypeFromAnnotableType(sampleTypeCode, annotableType):
+            propertyType = getPropertyType(propertyTypeCode)
+            propertyTypeValue = action.getInputValue(propertyType.label)
+            if not isValid(propertyType.dataType, propertyTypeValue):
+                raise ValidationException("Property " + str(propertyType.label) + " with invalid value " + str(propertyTypeValue))
+            if propertyTypeValue is None:
+                propertyTypeValue = ""
+            annotations[propertyTypeCode] = propertyTypeValue
+        newAnnotation = createAnnotationsFor(identifier, annotations, sampleTypeCode)
+        elements.append(newAnnotation)
+    if action.name.startswith("Delete"):
+        rowIds = list(action.getSelectedRows())
+        rowIds.reverse()
+        for rowId in rowIds:
+            elements.pop(rowId) 
+    property.value = converter.convertToString(elements)
+## Batch Import Methods
+def batchColumnNames():
+    allTypes = []
+    for sampleTypeCode in getAllAnnotableSampleTypesForType(annotableType):
+        allTypes.append(sampleTypeCode)
+    return allTypes
+def updateFromBatchInput(bindings):
+    #print "--------> UPDATE FROM BATCH INPUT: "
+    elements = []
+    #Links Configuration
+    typesToCopyFrom = []
+    if annotableType in configurationCopyParents:
+        typesToCopyFrom = configurationCopyParents[annotableType]
+    for annotableSampleType in getAllAnnotableSampleTypesForType(annotableType):
+        annotatedSamples = bindings.get(annotableSampleType)
+        #print "-----> TYPE: " + str(annotableSampleType) + " BINDINGS: " + str(annotatedSamples)
+        if (annotatedSamples != None and annotatedSamples != ""):
+            #Annotations
+            #print "-----> Annotations"
+            if annotableSampleType not in typesToCopyFrom:
+                for sampleLine in annotatedSamples.split("\\"):
+                    propertyTypes = getPropertyTypesForSampleTypeFromAnnotableType(annotableSampleType, annotableType)
+                    identifier = None
+                    permId = None
+                    sampleLink = None
+                    for sampleProperty in sampleLine.split(";"):
+                        propertyName = sampleProperty.split(":")[0]
+                        propertyValue = sampleProperty.split(":")[1]
+                        if propertyName == "identifier":
+                            identifier = propertyValue
+                            permId = entityInformationProvider().getSamplePermId(propertyValue)
+                            sampleLink = elementFactory().createSampleLink(permId)
+                            sampleLink.addAttribute(propertyName, propertyValue)
+                            sampleLink.addAttribute('sampleType', annotableSampleType)
+                        elif propertyName in propertyTypes:
+                            sampleLink.addAttribute(propertyName, propertyValue)
+                        else:
+                            raise NameError('Found invalid property: ' + propertyName + " on type " + annotableSampleType)
+                    if identifier is not None:
+                        elements.append(sampleLink)
+    #Links
+    #print "-----> links"
+    for typeToCopyFrom in typesToCopyFrom:
+        typeToCopy = typesToCopyFrom[typeToCopyFrom]
+        #print "-----> TYPE TO COPY FROM: " + str(typeToCopyFrom)
+        #print "-----> TYPE TO COPY: " + str(typeToCopy)
+        identifiersToCopyFrom = bindings.get(typeToCopyFrom)
+        if identifiersToCopyFrom is not None:
+            #print "-----> IDENTIFIERS TO COPY FROM: " + str(identifiersToCopyFrom)
+            identifiersForCopy = identifiersToCopyFrom.split(',')
+            for identifierToCopyFrom in identifiersForCopy:
+                #print "-----> IDENTIFIER TO COPY FROM: " + str(identifierToCopyFrom)
+                permIdFromIdentifier = entityInformationProvider().getSamplePermId(identifierToCopyFrom)
+                #print "-----> PERMID TO COPY FROM: " + str(permIdFromIdentifier)
+                parentsToCopyFromPermId = entityInformationProvider().getSamplePropertyValue(permIdFromIdentifier, "ANNOTATIONS_STATE")
+                #print "-----> ELEMENTS TO COPY: " + str(parentsToCopyFromPermId)
+                parentElements = list(propertyConverter().convertStringToElements(parentsToCopyFromPermId))
+                for parentAnnotation in parentElements:
+                    if parentAnnotation.getAttribute("sampleType") == typeToCopy:
+                        parentAnnotation.addAttribute("CONTAINED", identifierToCopyFrom)
+                        #print "-----> COPYING: " + str(parentAnnotation.getAttribute('identifier'))
+                        elements.append(parentAnnotation)
+    property.value = propertyConverter().convertToString(elements)
\ No newline at end of file