diff --git a/openbis_all/source/python/download_installer.py b/openbis_all/source/python/download_installer.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e5cc1f8948128dae7c14a6c6ef20baf91c9114e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openbis_all/source/python/download_installer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Download the latest installer from the ci server
+This script is used in the stage environment to retrieve the current installer.
+import subprocess
+import json
+import os.path
+import glob
+build_server = "ci"
+dest_dir = os.path.expanduser("~")
+server_url = 'http://localhost:8090'
+def run_cmd(cmd): 
+  print(" ".join(cmd))
+  print("\n")
+  return subprocess.check_output(cmd)
+def get_files_ssh(proj_name, extension):
+  # configuration -- server name and location of artifacts
+  artifacts_folder = "hudson/jobs"
+  last_build_folder = "%(artifacts_folder)s/%(proj_name)s/lastSuccessful/archive/_main/targets/dist" % vars()
+  list_cmd = "ls -1 %s | sort | tail -1" % last_build_folder
+  server = build_server
+  last_build_cmd = "ssh -T %(server)s '%(list_cmd)s'" % vars()
+  last_build = run_cmd(last_build_cmd)
+  msg = "Fetching artificts for %s : %s\n" % (proj_name, last_build)
+  print(msg)
+  output_dir = dest_dir
+  retrieve_files_cmd = "scp %(server)s:%(last_build_folder)s/*.%(extension)s %(output_dir)s/" % vars()
+  run_cmd(retrieve_files_cmd)
+def get_artifacts_list(proj_name):
+  build_info_cmd = ["ssh", "-T", build_server, "curl", "-s", "%s/job/%s/lastSuccessfulBuild/api/json" % (server_url, proj_name)]
+  json_string = run_cmd(build_info_cmd)
+  build_info = json.loads(json_string)
+  artifacts = build_info["artifacts"]
+  return artifacts
+def get_artifact(proj_name, artifact):
+  # Could use curl to retrieve the artifact, but this is complicated. Easier to just use scp...
+  # curl_cmd = ["ssh", "-T", build_server, "curl", "-s" "%s/job/%s/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/%s" % (server_url, proj_name, artifact["relativePath"])]
+  # print("Getting artifact: " + artifact["fileName"])
+  artifacts_folder = "hudson/jobs"
+  server_file = "%s:%s/%s/lastSuccessful/archive/%s" % (build_server, artifacts_folder, proj_name, artifact["relativePath"])
+  local_file = dest_dir
+  dl_cmd = ["scp", server_file, dest_dir]
+  run_cmd(dl_cmd)
+def get_files_rest(proj_name, extension):
+  artifacts = get_artifacts_list(proj_name)
+  artifact_to_get = None
+  for artifact in artifacts:
+    if artifact["fileName"].endswith(extension):
+      artifact_to_get = artifact
+      break
+  if artifact_to_get is None:
+    return
+  get_artifact(proj_name, artifact_to_get)
+def get_files(proj_name, extension):
+  get_files_rest(proj_name, extension)
+def clean_installer_dir():
+  files_to_delete = glob.glob(os.path.join(dest_dir, "openBIS-installation-standard-technologies-*-*.tar.gz"))
+  if len(files_to_delete) < 1:
+    return
+  print("Removing old installers : " + ",".join(files_to_delete))
+  for file_to_delete in files_to_delete:
+    os.remove(file_to_delete)
+def get_files_from_server():
+  get_files("installation", "tar.gz")
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+# The Script