From 359bf677c588b67548b7246e17c8fbb1179efe0f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Marco Del Tufo <>
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2023 07:45:22 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Upload New File

 docs/uncategorized/ | 228 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 228 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 docs/uncategorized/

diff --git a/docs/uncategorized/ b/docs/uncategorized/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..98b4a7529f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/uncategorized/
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
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+-   Created by [Fuentes Serna Juan Mariano
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+Ad Hoc Vocabulary Terms
+### Introduction
+*Ad Hoc Vocabulary Term* is a special kind of Vocabulary Term. If needed
+term is missing in the vocabulary, it can be added by Power User when
+filling up the form.
+### Creating new Ad Hoc Vocabulary Term
+Ad Hoc Vocabulary Terms can be created either via web interface of
+openBIS, or by DataSet Uploader. Below you can learn how to do it in
+both cases.
+#### openBIS
+When filling up the forms in openBIS, Power User will see next to the
+drop down list a plus icon (see picture below).
+By clicking on the icon, user can add Ad Hoc Vocabulary Term. A dialog
+appears (similar to one on screenshot below), in which it is possible to
+specify label, description and position on list of terms. The code will
+be generated automatically from the label.
+User can easily distinguish between regular, and Ad Hoc Vocabulary Term
+- the second one is shown in *italic grey* (see screenshot below).
+#### DataSet Uploader
+In DataSet Uploader the mechanism is very similar to one in openBIS.
+When you want to add Ad Hoc Vocabulary Term, click on a plus button (see
+picture below).
+After clicking on plus button, a dialog appears (again, very similar to
+on in openBIS).
+Ad Hoc Vocabulary Terms can be easily recognize - they are shown in
+*italic grey* (see screenshot below).
+### Approving Ad Hoc Vocabulary Terms
+Power User can approve Ad Hoc Vocabulary Terms. Approving changes the Ad
+Hoc Term into regular one - it won't be shown in *italic grey* anymore,
+the maintenance task won't be able to delete it.
+To approve Ad Hoc Vocabulary Term select `Vocabulary -> Browse` from
+`Administration` menu (see screenshot below).
+Then select the vocabulary from the list. The new tab with all the terms
+available in chosen vocabulary will be shown. In column `Approved?` you
+can see weather term is Ad Hoc (not approved) or not (see the
+You can select all the terms you want to approve (it is possible to
+select more than one using command key on Mac, or control key on Windows
+and Linux) and simply click on "Approve" button. You will see last
+confirmation dialog before operation will be performed (see the picture
+### Maintenance Task
+There is a maintenance task which deletes unused Ad Hoc Vocabulary Terms
+older than configured number of days. It can be configured in openBIS
+    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Maintenance task removing old and unused Ad Hoc Vocabulary Terms
+    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    # The directory to watch for incoming data.
+    ad-hoc-terms-remove-task.class = ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.server.task.RemoveUnusedUnofficialTermsMaintenanceTask
+    ad-hoc-terms-remove-task.interval = 3600
+    ad-hoc-terms-remove-task.older-than-days = 7
+Make sure, that the task is configured on maintenance-plugins list.
+### Configuration
+By default, Ad Hoc Vocabulary Terms are disabled. To enable it, you have
+to edit `` of openBIS and set
+`allow-adding-unofficial-terms` property to `true`.
+    # Should the feature of adding unofficial/ad-hoc terms to vocabularies be turned on.
+    # Default value: false 
+    allow-adding-unofficial-terms = true
+You should make sure, that in openBIS `` file you have
+specified path `` file.
+    # Name of the file that stores Web Client configuration
+    web-client-configuration-file = etc/
+-   No labels
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+{"serverDuration": 140, "requestCorrelationId": "aeb9e54dda014b18"}