diff --git a/installation/resource/installer/bin/upgrade-eln-v3.sh b/installation/resource/installer/bin/upgrade-eln-v3.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a4302518a049bb2c70039c0aafda84456b22f466
--- /dev/null
+++ b/installation/resource/installer/bin/upgrade-eln-v3.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# Upgrades openbis ELN-LIMS. 
+# Asumes that the eln-lims tarball is on the 'servers' directory 
+# Assumes that core-plugins are installed in the 'servers' directory on the same level as this script parent directory
+## Upgrade script algorithm explained
+#-- If current installation don't exists return with message, no eln-lims installation found, do a normal first installation
+#-- If installation exists
+#-- Check if current installation is a minimum master data installation
+#-- Backup etc folder (skip if etc folder don't exist)
+#-- Remove eln-lims folder
+#-- Uncompress eln-lims tarball into the core-plugins folder
+#-- If last installation was minimum master data installation, remove extra eln-lims master data script (skip if wasn't)
+#-- Restore etc folder from backup (skip if backup don't exist)
+echo "1 - Starting ELN-LIMS Upgrade"
+# Define a timestamp function
+timestamp() {
+  date +"%y%m%d-%H%M"
+# Directories used
+DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
+ELN_TARBALL="$( ls $ELN_TARBALL_LOCATION )" #The script fails and exits automatically if the tarball is not found
+echo "2 - The ELN-LIMS tarball found to be used is: "$ELN_TARBALL
+if [ -d $ELN_INSTALLATION ]; then
+	#Check if is a minimum master data installation
+	else
+	fi
+	echo "3 - Is minimum master data installation: "$IS_MINIMUM_MASTER_DATA
+	#Backup ELN-LIMS etc folder
+	if [ -d $ELN_ETC_CONFIG_FOLDER ]; then
+		echo "4 - Backing up ELN-LIMS etc folder at: "$BACKUP
+		#Creating backup folder and its parents if doesn't exist
+		mkdir -p $BACKUP"/eln-lims/3/as/webapps/eln-lims/html/etc/"
+		cp $ELN_ETC_CONFIG_FOLDER* $BACKUP"/eln-lims/3/as/webapps/eln-lims/html/etc/"
+	else
+		echo "4 - ELN-LIMS etc folder was not found, is this installation quite old?"
+	fi
+	#Remove ELN-LIMS folder
+	echo "5 - Remove current ELN-LIMS installation"
+	#Uncompress eln-lims tarball into the eln-lims folder
+	echo "6 - Uncompressing tarball"
+	#if is minimum master data, remove the extra types script
+		echo "7 - Replacing master data script since minimum master data installation was found"
+	else
+		echo "7 - Not modifying master data scripts since a standard master data installation was found"
+	fi
+	#Restore etc folder contents if they where backup
+	if [ -d $BACKUP"/eln-lims/3/as/webapps/eln-lims/html/etc/" ]; then
+		echo "8 - Restoring ELN-LIMS etc folder"
+		cp $BACKUP"/eln-lims/3/as/webapps/eln-lims/html/etc/"* $ELN_ETC_CONFIG_FOLDER
+	fi
+	echo "3 - No ELN-LIMS installation found, at folder \""$ELN_INSTALLATION"\". Do first a normal installation, this script is only for upgrades."
+echo "9 - ELN-LIMS Upgrade Finished"
\ No newline at end of file