diff --git a/datastore_server/etc/service.properties b/datastore_server/etc/service.properties
index e9f7363437fd1399f71756e905052910168a6134..e74af95e9e79a8f60efeb6b21dd4e8d28d29463a 100644
--- a/datastore_server/etc/service.properties
+++ b/datastore_server/etc/service.properties
@@ -124,7 +124,8 @@ reporting-plugins = demo-reporter, tsv-viewer, csv-viewer, hcs-viewer, hcs-viewe
 # Label of the plugin which will be shown for the users.
 demo-reporter.label = Show Dataset Size
 # Comma separated list of dataset type codes which can be handled by this plugin.
-demo-reporter.dataset-types = HCS_IMAGE, CONTAINER_TYPE
+# Wildcards are allowed, but the DSS server may need to be restarted if a new data set type is added to openBIS
+demo-reporter.dataset-types = .*
 # Plugin class specification (together with the list of packages this class belongs to).
 demo-reporter.class = ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.generic.server.plugins.demo.DemoReportingPlugin
 # The property file. Its content will be passed as a parameter to the plugin.
@@ -173,7 +174,8 @@ processing-plugins = demo-processor
 # The configuration of the processing plugin is the same as the reporting plugins configuration. 
 demo-processor.label = Demo Processing
-demo-processor.dataset-types = HCS_IMAGE, CONTAINER_TYPE
+# Wildcards are allowed, but the DSS server may need to be restarted if a new data set type is added to openBIS
+demo-processor.dataset-types = HCS_.*, CONTAINER_.*
 demo-processor.class = ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.generic.server.plugins.demo.DemoProcessingPlugin
 demo-processor.properties-file =