From 12d4e0124ffe948eb4a559a93bee04c20924b15a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: barillac <barillac>
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 09:06:22 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Master data update

SVN: 33291
 .../core-plugins/newbrowser/1/as/      | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/plasmid/source/core-plugins/newbrowser/1/as/ b/plasmid/source/core-plugins/newbrowser/1/as/
index 430d54465d7..2b7d35f38d2 100644
--- a/plasmid/source/core-plugins/newbrowser/1/as/
+++ b/plasmid/source/core-plugins/newbrowser/1/as/
@@ -713,11 +713,11 @@ createSampleTypeWithProperties("EXPERIMENTAL_STEP", "", [
 	["OWNER", 							"General",				"Owner",								DataType.CONTROLLEDVOCABULARY,	"OWNER",							"Who produced/owned the sample", None],
 	["EXPERIMENTAL_GOALS", 				"General",				"Experimental goals",					DataType.MULTILINE_VARCHAR,		None,								"Goal of the experiment", None],
 	["EXPERIMENTAL_RESULTS", 			"General",				"Experimental results",					DataType.MULTILINE_VARCHAR,		None,								"Brief summary of the results obtained", None],
-	["NOTES", 							"Comments", 			"Notes",								DataType.MULTILINE_VARCHAR,		None,								"Notes", None],
 	["EXPERIMENTAL_READOUT", 			"Readout details",		"Experimental readout",					DataType.CONTROLLEDVOCABULARY,	"EXPERIMENTAL_READOUT",				"Experimental readout used in the experiment", None],
 	["MACHINE", 						"Readout details",		"Machine",								DataType.CONTROLLEDVOCABULARY,	"MACHINE",							"Machine used to perform the experiment", None],
 	["FREEFORM_TABLE_STATE", 			"Readout details",		"Freeform Table State",					DataType.MULTILINE_VARCHAR,		None,								"Table describing how the order of samples measured in the experiments", None],
 	["PUBLICATION", 					"Comments",				"Publication",							DataType.MULTILINE_VARCHAR,		None,								"Publication from where the information was first found OR technical sheet given by the manufacturer", None],
+	["NOTES", 							"Comments", 			"Notes",								DataType.MULTILINE_VARCHAR,		None,								"Notes", None],
 	["XMLCOMMENTS", 					"Comments",				"Comments List",						DataType.XML,					None,								"Several comments can be added by different users", commentsScriptName],
 	["ANNOTATIONS_STATE",				"Comments",				"Annotations State",					DataType.XML,					None,								"Annotations State", annotationsScriptName]