diff --git a/build.gradle b/build.gradle
index 4147ba1e52bebc00c254ebb23501a23308031dcb..070e89195790b1bd619fa7d44e754d0692864964 100644
--- a/build.gradle
+++ b/build.gradle
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ task myJavadoc(type: Javadoc, dependsOn: [compileJava]) {
 task javadocJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: myJavadoc) {
-    archiveName "${project.group}-jhdf5-javadoc-${project.version}.zip"
+    archiveName "${project.group}-jhdf5-javadoc-${project.version}.jar"
     from javadoc.destinationDir
     from ("sourceExamples/java") {
         include '**/*'
@@ -83,9 +83,79 @@ task exampleJar(type: Jar) {
-task distributionZip(type: Zip, dependsOn: [jar, javadocJar, sourcesJar, exampleJar]) {
+def execute(command, arguments) {
+    new ByteArrayOutputStream().withStream { os ->
+        print "execute: ${command}"
+        arguments.collect({print " ${it}"})
+        println ''
+        def result = exec {
+            executable = command
+            args = arguments
+            standardOutput = os
+        }
+        return os.toString().split('\n')
+    }
+task processDistFiles( type: Copy) {
+    into "$buildDir/output/dist"
+    from ("dist") {
+        exclude 'doc/JHDF5.odt'
+    }
+    from ("dist") {
+        include 'doc/JHDF5.odt'
+        rename { "JHDF5-${version}.odt" }
+    }
+   doLast {
+        execute('lowriter', [ '--headless', '--convert-to', 'pdf', '--outdir', "$buildDir/output/dist/doc", "$buildDir/output/dist/doc/JHDF5-${version}.odt" ])
+   }
+task distributionZip(type: Zip, dependsOn: [jar, javadocJar, sourcesJar, exampleJar, processDistFiles]) {
     baseName "${project.group}-jhdf5"
+    from('targets/dist') {
+        into "${project.group}-jhdf5"
+        include 'version.txt'
+        include 'build.txt'
+    }
+    from ("$buildDir/output/dist") {
+        into "${project.group}-jhdf5"
+        include '*'
+    }
+    from ("$buildDir/output/dist") {
+        into "${project.group}-jhdf5"
+        include 'bin/*'
+    }
+    from ("$buildDir/output/dist") {
+        into "${project.group}-jhdf5"
+        include 'doc/*'
+    }
+    from (javadocJar.archivePath) {
+        into "${project.group}-jhdf5/doc"
+    }
+    from (exampleJar.archivePath) {
+        into "${project.group}-jhdf5/doc"
+    }
+    from (configurations.runtime) {
+        include '*-sources*'
+        into "${project.group}-jhdf5/sources"
+    }
+    from (sourcesJar.archivePath) {
+        into "${project.group}-jhdf5/sources"
+    }
     from (jar.archivePath) {
         into "${project.group}-jhdf5/lib"
@@ -97,11 +167,6 @@ task distributionZip(type: Zip, dependsOn: [jar, javadocJar, sourcesJar, example
         into "${project.group}-jhdf5/lib"
-    from (configurations.runtime) {
-        include '*-sources*'
-        into "${project.group}-jhdf5/sources"
-    }
     from ("libs") {
         into "${project.group}-jhdf5/lib"
         include 'native/**'
@@ -112,28 +177,6 @@ task distributionZip(type: Zip, dependsOn: [jar, javadocJar, sourcesJar, example
         include 'native/**/*'
-    from ("dist") {
-        into "${project.group}-jhdf5"
-    }
-    from (javadocJar.archivePath) {
-        into "${project.group}-jhdf5/doc"
-    }
-    from (exampleJar.archivePath) {
-        into "${project.group}-jhdf5/doc"
-    }    
-    from (sourcesJar.archivePath) {
-        into "${project.group}-jhdf5/sources"
-    }
-    from('targets/dist') {
-        into "${project.group}-jhdf5"
-        include 'version.txt'
-        include 'build.txt'
-    }
 if (project == project.rootProject)
diff --git a/dist/CONTENT b/dist/CONTENT
index 3d5f39d62668ed38ab15d4cd33c012eff3891dbc..3c2c817eec709244c5ee564cb245a9d128a30975 100644
--- a/dist/CONTENT
+++ b/dist/CONTENT
@@ -1,50 +1,66 @@
-  doc/jhdf5-javadoc.zip
-  doc/cisd-jhdf5-examples-src.zip
-    Example programs for some of the features of JHDF5
+General Information:
+  build.txt
+    The build information of this distribution in human readable form.
+  version.txt
+    The version information of this distribution in machine readable form.
+    This file.
+    Copyright notice of the JHDF5 and the SIS base libraries.
+  COPYING-hdf5
+    Copyright notice of the HDF5 library.
+  COPYING-commons
+    Copyright notice of the Apache "Commons IO" and "Commons Lang3" libraries.
+  COPYING-args4j
+    Copyright notice of the CISD args4j library.
+    The Apache Sofware License 2.0.
-  src/jhdf5-src.zip
+  doc/sis-jhdf5-javadoc-<VERSION>.jar
+    The Javadoc of JHDF5.
-  lib/cisd-jhdf5-core.jar: 
-    The Java class files of the JHDF5 library. Requires commons-io.jar, commons-lang.jar and  
-    cisd-base.jar on the class path. Requires the native libraries to be provided separately (see 
-    below at lib/native).
-  lib/cisd-jhdf5-tools.jar: 
-    The Java class files of the h5ar archiver. It can be used like 'java -jar cisd-jhdf5-tools.jar'. 
-    Requires commons-io.jar, commons-lang.jar, cisd-base.jar, cisd-args4j.jar and cisd-jhdf5-core.jar in 
-    the class path. Requires the native libraries to be provided separately (see below at lib/native).
+  doc/sis-jhdf5-examples-sources-<VERSION>.jar
+    Simple example programs showing some features of JHDF5.
-  lib/cisd-jhdf5.jar: 
-    All Java class files packaged in one jar file. Requires the native libraries to be provided 
-    separately. 
+  doc/JHDF5-<VERSION>.pdf
+     A simple (and incomplete) introduction into JHDF5 (in Portable Document Format).
-  lib/batteries_included:
-    Includes all Java class files of the JHDF5 library and the h5ar archiver and all native 
-    libraries necessary to use JHDF5.
-    No other file is needed when using one of these jar files. 
+  doc/JHDF5-<VERSION>.odt
+     A simple (and incomplete) introduction into JHDF5 (in OpenDocument Text Format).
-	  All supported platforms:
-	    lib/batteries_included/cisd-jhdf5-batteries_included_lin_win_mac_sol.jar 
-	  Linux/MacOS X/Windows, but no Solaris support: 
-	    lib/batteries_included/cisd-jhdf5-batteries_included_lin_win_mac.jar
+Source Code:
+  sources/jhdf5-sources-<VERSION>.jar
+    The source code of jhdf5.
+  sources/sis-base-18.08.0-sources.jar
+    The source code of the SIS base library.
+  sources/cisd-args4j-9.11.2-sources.jar
+    The source code of the CISD args4j library.
+  sources/commons-io-2.6-sources.jar
+    The source code of the Apache "Commons IO" library.
+  sources/commons-lang3-3.7-sources.jar
+    The source code of the Apache "Commons Lang3" library.
+  lib/sis-jhdf5.jar: 
+    The Java class files of the JHDF5 library, the h5ar archiver and the hdf5 native libraries. 
+    Requires commons-io-2.6.jar, commons-lang3-3.7.jar, sis-base-18.08.0.jar and cisd-args4j-9.11.2 
+    (only needed for h5ar archiver) on the class path. 
+  lib/sis-base-18.08.0.jar
+    The Java class files of the SIS base library. Requires commons-io-2.6.jar, commons-lang3-3.7.jar
+    on the class path.
+  lib/cisd-args4j-9.11.2.jar
+    The Java class files of the CISD args4j library.
+  lib/commons-lang3-3.7.jar
+    The Java class files of the Apache "Commons Lang3" library.
+  lib/commons-io-2.6.jar
+    The Java class files of the Apache "Commons IO" library.
     The native libraries as files in folders jhdf5 and unix. In order to use them ensure that you 
     point the Java property native.libpath to the root of this hierarchy,
     e.g.: "-Dnative.libpath=/home/joe/lib/native"
-  lib/nativejar:
-    The jar files in this folder contain the native libraries for each platform, e.g. 
-    hdf5-linux-intel.jar has the shared libraries for Linux on Intel/AMD. Note that these jar 
-    files do not contain the Java class files. In order to make use of these jar files you need
-    to ensure that the file for your platform is in the class path of the jre.
+Wrapper Executables:
     A script that calls h5ar by invoking the JRE with appropriate parameters. Suitable for being 
     symlinked to e.g. /usr/local/bin
diff --git a/dist/COPYING-args4j b/dist/COPYING-args4j
index 3ae7e78c65feb9edea64ea5bd7ec47755fd7d0aa..f8e55e8b30294945c7117a33baec86ffae573445 100644
--- a/dist/COPYING-args4j
+++ b/dist/COPYING-args4j
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 Copyright (c) 2003, Kohsuke Kawaguchi
+Copyright 2007 - 2009 ETH Zuerich, CISD.
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms,
diff --git a/dist/COPYING-commons b/dist/COPYING-commons
index 0309e54adb73a6c596070518e4adb319c39886a5..1de9f103293007dc3ef42c1c6393b0b4a1431ab3 100644
--- a/dist/COPYING-commons
+++ b/dist/COPYING-commons
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 Apache Commons Lang and Commons IO
-Copyright 2001-2008 The Apache Software Foundation
+Copyright 2001-2018 The Apache Software Foundation
 This product includes software developed by
-The Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/).
\ No newline at end of file
+The Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/).
diff --git a/dist/doc/JHDF5.odt b/dist/doc/JHDF5.odt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2db452833b2152c6925290e57cbe141e7beabc8a
Binary files /dev/null and b/dist/doc/JHDF5.odt differ
diff --git a/dist/doc/JHDF5.pdf b/dist/doc/JHDF5.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index 516a2a91fb96582b4fcd91934fd5692eb0e1ca3e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/dist/doc/JHDF5.pdf and /dev/null differ