From bf3e174051f73cb3dd8a836388843a73384e0748 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Henry Luetcke <>
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2024 17:12:58 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] update section on share IDs

 RRP-User-Documentation.html | 42 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------                 | 23 +++++++++++++++-----
 2 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/RRP-User-Documentation.html b/RRP-User-Documentation.html
index 4f38b82..39c471a 100644
--- a/RRP-User-Documentation.html
+++ b/RRP-User-Documentation.html
@@ -254,7 +254,15 @@ Platform (RRP) </p>
 <li><a href="#saving-results-and-uploading-to-openbis" id="toc-saving-results-and-uploading-to-openbis"><span class="toc-section-number">5</span> Saving results and uploading to
-<li><a href="#sharing-a-project" id="toc-sharing-a-project"><span class="toc-section-number">6</span> Sharing a project</a></li>
+<li><a href="#sharing-a-project" id="toc-sharing-a-project"><span class="toc-section-number">6</span> Sharing a project</a>
+<li><a href="#sharing-projects-with-users-of-the-same-server-with-share-ids" id="toc-sharing-projects-with-users-of-the-same-server-with-share-ids"><span class="toc-section-number">6.1</span> Sharing projects with users of the
+same server with share IDs</a></li>
+<li><a href="#sharing-projects-with-player-bundles" id="toc-sharing-projects-with-player-bundles"><span class="toc-section-number">6.2</span> Sharing projects with Player
+<li><a href="#sharing-projects-with-player-scripts" id="toc-sharing-projects-with-player-scripts"><span class="toc-section-number">6.3</span> Sharing projects with Player
 <h1 data-number="1" id="prerequisites"><span class="header-section-number">1</span> Prerequisites</h1>
@@ -342,25 +350,39 @@ project</strong>. This will create a new dataset in openBIS, including
 the Docker image (<code class="sourceCode bash"><span class="ex">image.tar</span></code>), a
 copy of the Git repository (<code class="sourceCode bash"><span class="ex">repository.tar</span></code>)
 as well as metadata. Expect this dataset to be between several hundreds
-MBs to a few GBs in size!</li>
+MBs to a few GBs in size! To create a new RRP project from the openBIS,
+select the <strong>+</strong> button next to <strong>Your
+projects</strong> and click “Create new project from openBIS”. Enter the
+openBIS dataset permID and then click <strong>Create</strong>.</li>
 <h1 data-number="6" id="sharing-a-project"><span class="header-section-number">6</span> Sharing a project</h1>
+<p>RRP offers several options for sharing a project (code, data,
+computational environment) with others. These options are available
+under the <strong>Share</strong> tab of the project.</p>
+<p><strong>Important:</strong> before a project can be shared with RRP,
+the repository must be in <em>clean</em> state. This means that any
+changes have to be commited and pushed to the remote before a project
+can be shared. RRP indicates if this is the case in the <em>Repository
+status</em> section of the <strong>Share</strong> tab.</p>
+<h2 data-number="6.1" id="sharing-projects-with-users-of-the-same-server-with-share-ids"><span class="header-section-number">6.1</span> Sharing projects with users of
+the same server with share IDs</h2>
 <p>RRP projects can be shared with other users of the same server
 (e.g. fellow lab members, PI etc.):</p>
 <ol type="1">
 <li>Switch to the Share tab of the RRP project. Any existing share
-identifiers are listed under Active share identifiers.</li>
-<li>To create a new share identifier, enter a description and commit.
-Note that the local Git repository on the RRP server has to be clean and
-up-to-date before a share identifier can be created. To achieve this,
-first commit and push any local changes.</li>
-<li>Next, select <strong>Create share identifier</strong>. If
-successfull, the new share identifier will be listed above. Share it
-with colleagues either by mail or chat.</li>
+identifiers are listed under <strong>Share identifiers</strong>.</li>
+<li>To create a new share identifier, enter a short description and then
+select <strong>Create share identifier</strong>.</li>
+<li>If successfull, the new share identifier will be listed above. Share
+it with colleagues either by mail or chat.</li>
 <li>To create a new project from a share identifier, select the
 <strong>+</strong> button next to <strong>Your projects</strong> and
 click “Create new project from Share identifier”. Enter the identifier
 and user credentials, then click <strong>Clone</strong>.</li>
+<h2 data-number="6.2" id="sharing-projects-with-player-bundles"><span class="header-section-number">6.2</span> Sharing projects with Player
+<h2 data-number="6.3" id="sharing-projects-with-player-scripts"><span class="header-section-number">6.3</span> Sharing projects with Player
diff --git a/ b/
index 9dc70ba..44b3063 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -41,12 +41,25 @@ It is also possible to add datasets to be mounted in the RRP UI once a project h
 2. To upload results to openBIS, select the **Upload** tab of the RRP project.
 3. Fill the openBIS destination identifier in which the results dataset should be created. You can specify either a permId or the path to the experiment / project.
 4. Select the dataset type (e.g. `ANALYZED_DATA`{.bash}) and specify some dataset properties. Then click on **Upload results**.
-5. It is also possible to save the entire RRP project in openBIS (incl. code and computational environment) by clicking **Upload project**. This will create a new dataset in openBIS, including the Docker image (`image.tar`{.bash}), a copy of the Git repository (`repository.tar`{.bash}) as well as metadata. Expect this dataset to be between several hundreds MBs to a few GBs in size!
+5. It is also possible to save the entire RRP project in openBIS (incl. code and computational environment) by clicking **Upload project**. This will create a new dataset in openBIS, including the Docker image (`image.tar`{.bash}), a copy of the Git repository (`repository.tar`{.bash}) as well as metadata. Expect this dataset to be between several hundreds MBs to a few GBs in size! To create a new RRP project from the openBIS, select the **+** button next to **Your projects** and click "Create new project from openBIS". Enter the openBIS dataset permID and then click **Create**.
 # Sharing a project
+RRP offers several options for sharing a project (code, data, computational environment) with others. These options are available under the **Share** tab of the project. 
+**Important:** before a project can be shared with RRP, the repository must be in *clean* state. This means that any changes have to be commited and pushed to the remote before a project can be shared. RRP indicates if this is the case in the *Repository status* section of the **Share** tab. 
+## Sharing projects with users of the same server with share IDs
 RRP projects can be shared with other users of the same server (e.g. fellow lab members, PI etc.):
-1. Switch to the Share tab of the RRP project. Any existing share identifiers are listed under Active share identifiers.
-2. To create a new share identifier, enter a description and commit. Note that the local Git repository on the RRP server has to be clean and up-to-date before a share identifier can be created. To achieve this, first commit and push any local changes. 
-3. Next, select **Create share identifier**. If successfull, the new share identifier will be listed above. Share it with colleagues either by mail or chat.
-4. To create a new project from a share identifier, select the **+** button next to **Your projects** and click "Create new project from Share identifier". Enter the identifier and user credentials, then click **Clone**. 
+1. Switch to the Share tab of the RRP project. Any existing share identifiers are listed under **Share identifiers**.
+2. To create a new share identifier, enter a short description and then select **Create share identifier**.
+3. If successfull, the new share identifier will be listed above. Share it with colleagues either by mail or chat.
+4. To create a new project from a share identifier, select the **+** button next to **Your projects** and click "Create new project from Share identifier". Enter the identifier and user credentials, then click **Clone**.
+## Sharing projects with Player bundles
+## Sharing projects with Player scripts