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Project handed over to Machine Learning & Computational Biology Lab, D-BSSE; further development continued at: https://github.com/BorgwardtLab/CAsMap .
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run openBIS in a lxd container as described here: https://wiki-bsse.ethz.ch/display/openBISDoc/openBIS+16.05+deployment+using+LXD+virtual+containers+-+USER+guide
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openbis / openbis-public / jupyter / jupyter-openbis-gui-server
Apache License 2.0The server part of the jupyter-openbis-extension and jupyterlab-openbis notebook extension. Uses pyBIS internally to communicate with openBIS. Communicates with the notebook extensions via the tornado webserver.
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sispub / emzed / sphinx-rtd-eth-theme
Apache License 2.0Updated -
monitor and process incoming location for data transfer from other biomedIT nodes
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CLI for automate IAM procedures for account,persona,services and group management
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