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small code snippet for IAM automation:
create LDAP groups and IAM personas takes json file as inputUpdated -
Repository of Jupyter notebooks for calcium imaging data analysis with the SIMA image analysis package. These notebooks were developed as part of an eSCT project in collaboration with the group of Shankar Sachidhanandam (University of Bern).
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Project handed over to Machine Learning & Computational Biology Lab, D-BSSE; further development continued at: https://github.com/BorgwardtLab/CAsMap .
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run openBIS in a lxd container as described here: https://wiki-bsse.ethz.ch/display/openBISDoc/openBIS+16.05+deployment+using+LXD+virtual+containers+-+USER+guide
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openbis / openbis-public / jupyter / jupyter-openbis-gui-server
Apache License 2.0The server part of the jupyter-openbis-extension and jupyterlab-openbis notebook extension. Uses pyBIS internally to communicate with openBIS. Communicates with the notebook extensions via the tornado webserver.
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sispub / emzed / sphinx-rtd-eth-theme
Apache License 2.0Updated -