diff --git a/misc/Extract.py b/misc/Extract.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0eec8c6993ea5e9bcf80575556ec2ed61b2cb412
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/Extract.py
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+GUI to select and deselect cells at extraction time.
+import sys
+import numpy as np
+from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QApplication, QWidget, QPushButton, 
+                             QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout)
+from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
+#Import from matplotlib to use it to display the pictures and masks.
+from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg as FigureCanvas
+from matplotlib import cm
+from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
+from matplotlib.figure import Figure
+class Extract(QWidget):
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(Extract, self).__init__()
+        image, mask = _test_data()
+        self.pc = PlotCanvas(image, mask)
+        self.init_UI()
+        self.exit_code = 0 # 0: Cancel, 1: Fluorescence, 2: Mask
+    def init_UI(self):
+        # Extract Buttons
+        self.extr_mask = _create_button("Extract Mask", self.do_extr_mask)
+        self.extr_fluo = _create_button("Extract Fluorescence", self.do_extr_fluo)
+        self.done = _create_button("Cancel", self.do_cancel)
+        extr_box = QVBoxLayout()
+        extr_box.addWidget(self.extr_mask)
+        extr_box.addWidget(self.extr_fluo)
+        extr_box.addWidget(self.done)
+        # Select Button
+        self.sel_mult = _create_button("Select Multiple", self.do_sel_mult)
+        self.sel_sngl = _create_button("Select Single", self.do_sel_sngl)
+        self.desel_mult = _create_button("Deselect Multiple", self.do_desel_mult)
+        self.desel_sngl = _create_button("Deselect Single", self.do_desel_sngl)
+        sel_box = QVBoxLayout()
+        sel_box.addWidget(self.sel_mult)
+        sel_box.addWidget(self.sel_sngl)
+        sel_box.addWidget(self.desel_mult)
+        sel_box.addWidget(self.desel_sngl)
+        # Button list
+        self.buttons = [self.extr_mask,
+                        self.extr_fluo,
+                        self.done,
+                        self.sel_mult,
+                        self.sel_sngl,
+                        self.desel_mult,
+                        self.desel_sngl]
+        # Buttons
+        buttons = QHBoxLayout()
+        buttons.addLayout(sel_box)
+        buttons.addStretch(.5)
+        buttons.addLayout(extr_box)
+        # Plot Canvas
+        full = QVBoxLayout()
+        full.addWidget(self.pc)
+        full.addStretch(.5)
+        full.addLayout(buttons)
+        self.setLayout(full)    
+        self.setGeometry(300, 300, 600, 600)
+        self.setWindowTitle('Extracting')    
+        self.show()
+    def do_extr_fluo(self):
+        self.exit_code = 1
+        self.cells = self.pc.sellist
+        self.close()
+    def do_cancel(self):
+        self.close()
+    def do_extr_mask(self):
+        self.exit_code = 2
+        self.cells = self.pc.sellist
+        self.close()
+    def do_sel_mult(self):
+        """Callback for selecting multiple"""
+        self.pc.storemouseclicks = []        
+        def to_connect(e):
+            self.pc.multiple_click(e, self.do_sel_mult_process)
+        self.pc.connect_id = self.pc.mpl_connect(
+                'button_press_event', 
+                 to_connect)
+        self.deactivate_all()
+    def do_sel_mult_process(self):
+        """Process selecting multiple"""
+        cells = self.cells_in_polygon()
+        self.pc.sellist = self.pc.sellist.union(cells)
+        self.disconnect()
+    def do_desel_mult(self):
+        self.pc.storemouseclicks = []        
+        """Callback for deselecting multiple"""
+        def to_connect(e):
+            self.pc.multiple_click(e, self.do_desel_mult_process)
+        self.pc.connect_id = self.pc.mpl_connect(
+                'button_press_event', 
+                 to_connect)
+        self.deactivate_all()
+    def do_desel_mult_process(self):
+        """Process deselect multiple"""
+        cells = self.cells_in_polygon()
+        self.pc.sellist = self.pc.sellist - cells
+        self.disconnect()
+    def cells_in_polygon(self):
+        """Extracts cells inside of polygon specified by pc.storemouseclicks"""
+        img = Image.new('L', (self.pc.mask.shape), 0)
+        ImageDraw.Draw(img).polygon(self.pc.storemouseclicks, outline=1, fill=1)
+        polygon = np.array(img).astype(bool)
+        return set(np.unique(self.pc.mask[polygon]))
+    def do_sel_sngl(self):
+        """Select single cell"""
+        def to_connect(e):
+            self.pc.single_click(e, self.do_sel_sngl_process)
+        self.pc.connect_id = self.pc.mpl_connect(
+                'button_press_event', 
+                 to_connect)
+        self.deactivate_all()
+    def do_sel_sngl_process(self, x, y):
+        """Process selected cell"""
+        if x is not None:
+            cell = self.pc.mask[y,x]
+            self.pc.sellist.add(cell)
+        self.disconnect()
+    def do_desel_sngl(self):
+        """Deselect single cell"""
+        def to_connect(e):
+            self.pc.single_click(e, self.do_desel_sngl_process)
+        self.pc.connect_id = self.pc.mpl_connect(
+                'button_press_event', 
+                 to_connect)
+        self.deactivate_all()
+    def do_desel_sngl_process(self, x, y):
+        """Process deselected cell"""
+        if x is not None:
+            cell = self.pc.mask[y,x]
+            self.pc.sellist.remove(cell)
+        self.disconnect()
+    def disconnect(self):
+        """Disconnects callback, updates plots, activates buttons"""
+        self.pc.update_plots()
+        self.pc.mpl_disconnect(self.pc.connect_id)
+        self.activate_all()
+    def deactivate_all(self):
+        for b in self.buttons:
+            b.setEnabled(False)
+    def activate_all(self):
+        for b in self.buttons:
+            b.setEnabled(True)
+class PlotCanvas(FigureCanvas):
+    def __init__(self, image, mask, parent=None, figsize=(5,4)):
+        """this class defines the canvas. It initializes a figure, which is then
+        used to plot our data using imshow.
+        """
+        fig = Figure()
+        self.ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
+        super(PlotCanvas, self).__init__(fig)
+        self.setParent(parent)
+        self.image = image
+        self.mask = mask
+        self.sellist = set(np.unique(mask)) # selected cells
+        self.vismask = mask.copy() # mask with only selected cells
+        self.ax_image, self.ax_mask = self.initialize_plots(image, mask, self.ax)        
+        self.storemouseclicks = []
+        self.connect_id = None
+    def initialize_plots(self, picture, mask, ax):
+        """Creates plots at initialization"""
+        newcmp = _colormap(21)
+        ax.axis("off")
+        self.draw()
+        return (ax.imshow(picture, interpolation= 'None', 
+                          origin = 'upper', cmap = 'gray_r'), 
+                ax.imshow((mask%10+1)*(mask != 0), origin = 'upper', 
+                          interpolation = 'None', cmap = newcmp,
+                          vmin=0, vmax=11))
+    def single_click(self, event, call_after):
+        """Function for single click, calls call_after afterwards with
+        the clicked points (or None, None) if abort click."""
+        if (event.button == 1
+            and (event.xdata != None and event.ydata != None) 
+            and self.ax == event.inaxes):
+            x = int(event.xdata)
+            y = int(event.ydata)
+            call_after(x, y)
+        else:
+            call_after(None, None)
+    def multiple_click(self, event, call_after):
+        """Function to keep track of multiple left clicks, confirmed with 
+        a right click. After right click, the function call_after is called"""        
+        if (event.button == 1  # left click
+            and (event.xdata != None and event.ydata != None) 
+            and self.ax == event.inaxes):
+            newx = int(event.xdata)
+            newy = int(event.ydata)
+            self.storemouseclicks.append((newx, newy))
+            self.draw_click(newx, newy)
+        elif (event.button == 3): # right click
+            self.mpl_disconnect(self.connect_id)
+            call_after()
+    def draw_click(self, posx, posy):
+        """
+        it updates the plot once the user clicks on the plot and draws a 4x4 pixel dot
+        at the coordinate of the click 
+        """     
+        self.vismask[posy:posy+2, posx:posx+2] = 9
+        self.redraw_mask()
+    def redraw_mask(self):
+        """Redraw mask with current self.vismask"""
+        self.ax_mask.set_data((self.vismask%10+1)*(self.vismask!=0))
+        self.ax.draw_artist(self.ax_image)
+        self.ax.draw_artist(self.ax_mask)
+        self.update()
+        self.flush_events()
+    def recalculate_vismask(self):
+        """Recalculates vismask with current list of cells to show"""
+        tmp = self.mask.copy()
+        all_cells = set(np.unique(tmp))
+        to_remove = all_cells - self.sellist
+        for cell in to_remove:
+            tmp[tmp==cell] = 0
+        self.vismask = tmp
+    def update_plots(self):
+        """Shows plot with currently selected cells"""
+        self.recalculate_vismask()
+        self.redraw_mask()
+def _create_button(text, connect, tooltip=None):
+    """Initializes button, connects with callback connect"""
+    button = QPushButton(text)
+    button.clicked.connect(connect)
+    button.setMaximumWidth(150)
+    if tooltip is not None:
+        button.setToolTip(tooltip)
+    return button
+def _colormap(Ncolors=21):
+    """Creates colormap for segmentation mask"""
+    jet = cm.get_cmap('jet', Ncolors)
+    cmaplist = [(0,0,0,0)]
+    for i in range(jet.N):
+        r,g,b,_ = jet(i)
+        cmaplist.append((r,g,b,.2))
+    cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('Custom cmap', cmaplist, Ncolors)
+    return cmap  
+def _poly_to_mask(polygon, shape):
+    """Converts polygon to mask"""
+    img = Image.new('L', shape, 0)
+    ImageDraw.Draw(img).polygon(polygon, outline=0, fill=1)
+    return np.array(img).astype(int)
+def _poly_to_line(polygon, shape):
+    """Converts polygon to line"""
+    img = Image.new('L', shape, 0)
+    ImageDraw.Draw(img).polygon(polygon, outline=1, fill=0)
+    return np.array(img).astype(int)
+def _test_data():
+    """Creates test data"""
+    im = np.zeros((100,100))
+    mask = np.zeros(im.shape)
+    poly1 = [(20,20),(30,30),(20,40),(10,30)]
+    poly2 = [(50,50),(60,60),(50,70),(40,60)]
+    mask += _poly_to_mask(poly1, im.shape)
+    mask += _poly_to_mask(poly2, im.shape)*2
+    im += _poly_to_line(poly1, im.shape)
+    im += _poly_to_line(poly2, im.shape)
+    return im, mask
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    app = QApplication(sys.argv)
+    ex = Extract()
+    sys.exit(app.exec_())
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