diff --git a/GUI_main.py b/GUI_main.py
index 612f110b218aa8b2945c36cfb4a10e72a224bd11..6aba1079939d183126184281a7d6a58a80860ea2 100644
--- a/GUI_main.py
+++ b/GUI_main.py
@@ -52,10 +52,12 @@ usual buttons (because the Cell Correspondance makes also mistakes).
 import sys
 import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+import h5py
 # For writing excel files
-from openpyxl import load_workbook
-from openpyxl import Workbook
+#from openpyxl import load_workbook
+#from openpyxl import Workbook
 # Import everything for the Graphical User Interface from the PyQt5 library.
 from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QApplication, QMainWindow, QDialog, 
@@ -66,6 +68,8 @@ from PyQt5 import QtGui
 from matplotlib.backends.qt_compat import QtWidgets
 from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5agg import NavigationToolbar2QT as NavigationToolbar
+from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
 #append all the paths where the modules are stored. Such that this script
 #looks into all of these folders when importing modules.
@@ -500,9 +504,8 @@ class App(QMainWindow):
     def DialogXls(self):
-        """This function creates a dialog window which gives two options to the
-        user either to load an existing xls file or to give a new name in order
-        to create a new xls file. 
+        """This function creates a dialog window which asks for the user to 
+        enter a csv name. 
         # creates the window
         dwind = ddb.FileBrowser()
@@ -531,69 +534,144 @@ class App(QMainWindow):
                     xlsname = xlsname + templist[k] + '/'
                 # this is the new path/filename
-                xlsname = xlsname + newxlsname + '.xlsx'
+                xlsname = xlsname + newxlsname + '.csv'
                 self.xlsfilename = xlsname
-                self.CreateXls(xlsname)
+#                self.CreateXls(xlsname)
             # this flag is set to true, for the current field of view each
             # time extract fluorescence is clicked it writes in the file located
             # at self.xlsfilename.
-            self.FlagFluoExtraction = True
+#            self.FlagFluoExtraction = True
-    def CreateXls(self, xlsfilename):
-        """In case there is no xls file existing, here a new one is created 
-        and prepared. For each channel a new sheet is created.
-        In the first row for each sheet, the time indices are written t = 0,
-        t = 1, etc... but only every third column. Because in the row below,
-        three values are extracted 'Total intensity', 'Area' and 'Variance'
-        at each time index. So three columns for each time index are needed,
-        for the three data points. 
-        The first column is left empty (starting from third row) because
-        the cell numbers will be written in there.
-        """
-        book = Workbook()
-        nbrchannels = self.reader.sizec
-        for i in range(0,nbrchannels):
-            sheetname = self.reader.channel_names[i]
-            # creates a sheet with the name of the corresponding channel.
-            if i == 0:
-                sheet = book.active
-                sheet.title = sheetname
-            else:
-                sheet = book.create_sheet(sheetname)
-            sheet.cell(1,1, 'Cell Number / Time axis')
-            sheet.cell(2,1, 'labels')
-            timeaxissize = self.reader.sizet
-            # start writing the time index at column 1, column 0 is reserved for
-            # cell numbers.
-            timecolindex = 2
-            for t in range(1,timeaxissize+1):
-                sheet.cell(1,timecolindex).value = 't = {}'.format(t-1)
-                sheet.cell(2,timecolindex).value = 'Total Intensity'
-                sheet.cell(2,timecolindex+1).value = 'Total Area'
-                sheet.cell(2,timecolindex+2).value = 'Mean Intensity'
-                sheet.cell(2,timecolindex+3).value =  'Variance'
-                # updates the index, where the next time index should be written
-                timecolindex = timecolindex + 4
-        try:
-            book.save(xlsfilename)
-        except TypeError:
-            QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error", "TypeError encountered. \
-                                 Make sure you have openpyxl version 3.0.1 \
-                                 installed. If the problem persists contact \
-                                 the developers.")
+#    def ExtractFluo(self, xlsfilename):
+#        """This is the function that takes as argument the filepath to the xls
+#        file and writes in the file.
+#        It iterates over the different channels (or the sheets of the file,
+#        each channel has one sheet.), and reads the image corresponding
+#        to the time, field of view and channel index. It reads the already
+#        existing file and makes a copy in which the data will be written in it.
+#        The first step of calculating the data is to iterate through each
+#        cell/segment of the mask (so each cell is a submatrix of one value
+#        in the matrix of the mask).
+#        For each of these value /cell, the area is extracted as being
+#        the number of pixels corresponding to this cell/value. 
+#        (it is known from the microscope settings how to convert
+#        the pixel in area).
+#        The total intensity is just the value of the pixel and it is added over
+#        all the pixels corresonding to the cell/value.
+#        The mean is then calculated as being the total intensity divided by
+#        the number of pixels (which here is equal to the area also).
+#        With the mean it is then possible to calculate the variance of the 
+#        signal for one cell/value.
+#        Then, it is checked if the value of the cell (cell number) already
+#        exists in the first column, if it already exists it continues to
+#        find the column corresponding to the time index where the values
+#        should be written. It sets the flag to True such that it does not
+#        write the cell as new one and adds it at the end of the column
+#        If the value is not found in the cell number column (new cell or
+#        first time writing in the file), the flag is False, thus it adds the 
+#        cell number at the end of the column.
+#        It then saves the xls file.
+#        """
+#        self.Disable(self.button_extractfluorescence)
+#        self.WriteStatusBar('Extracting the fluorescence...')
+#        # opens the file to read it.
+#        book = load_workbook(self.xlsfilename)
+#        # iterate over all the channels, so over all the sheets in the file
+#        for channel in range(0, self.reader.sizec):
+#            # loads the picture corresponding to the channel, time index and fov
+#            image = self.reader.LoadImageChannel(self.Tindex, self.FOVindex, channel)
+#            # loads the sheet to read out corresponding to the current channel
+#            sheet = book.worksheets[channel]
+#            # this index contains the value of the maximum number of rows in the
+#            # file, it is used to append at the end the cell number column a new
+#            # cell/value, and it is updated each time a new cell is added.
+#            tempidx = sheet.max_row
+#            # np.unique(array) returns an array which contains all the value
+#            # that appear in self.m.plotmask, so it returns every cell value
+#            # including the background (value 0) present in self.m.plotmask
+#            for val in np.unique(self.m.plotmask):
+#                # Skip background
+#                if val == 0:
+#                    continue
+#                # Calculate stats
+#                area = (self.m.plotmask == val).sum()
+#                tot_intensity = image[self.m.plotmask == val].sum()
+#                mean = tot_intensity/area
+#                var = np.var(image[self.m.plotmask==val])
+#                # if flag is false it means that the cell number
+#                # corresponding to val is not present in the xls file, first
+#                # column.
+#                flag = False
+#                # iterate over all the rows
+#                for row in range(sheet.max_row+1):
+#                     # test if in the first column 0, the number of the cell
+#                     # is already present
+#                     # if sheet.cell_value(row,0) == str(val):
+#                     if sheet.cell(row = row+1, column = 1).value == str(val):
+#                         # if is present, the column corresponding to the
+#                         # current time index is by iterating over the cols.
+#                         for col in range(sheet.max_column+1):
+#                             # test if it is the right column
+#                             # if sheet.cell_value(0, col) == 't = {}'.format(self.Tindex):
+#                             if sheet.cell(row = 1, column = col+1).value == 't = {}'.format(self.Tindex):
+#                                 # write in the xls file at the row, col coord
+#                                 sheet.cell(row+1, col+1, str(tot_intensity))
+#                                 sheet.cell(row+1, col+2, str(area))
+#                                 sheet.cell(row+1,col+3, str(mean))
+#                                 sheet.cell(row+1, col+4, str(var))
+#                                 book.save(xlsfilename)
+#                                 # the flag is set to True so that it does
+#                                 # not execute the code where the cell is
+#                                 # added in the xls file in a new row.
+#                                 flag = True
+#                if not flag:
+#                # this lines are executed if a new cell is detected or if
+#                # if it is the first time to write in the file.
+#                    for col in range(sheet.max_column+1):
+#                        if sheet.cell(row = 1, column =  col+1).value == 't = {}'.format(self.Tindex):
+#                            # it write the cell value/cell number in the
+#                            # column
+#                            sheet.cell(tempidx+1,1, str(val))
+#                            # writes the data extracted before
+#                            sheet.cell(tempidx+1,col+1,str(tot_intensity))
+#                            sheet.cell(tempidx+1, col+2, str(area))
+#                            sheet.cell(tempidx+1, col+3, str(mean))
+#                            sheet.cell(tempidx+1, col+4, str(var))
+#                            # it updates the number of rows as a new cell
+#                            # has been added, so there is one more row.
+#                            tempidx = tempidx + 1
+#                            book.save(xlsfilename)
+#        self.Enable(self.button_extractfluorescence)
+#        self.ClearStatusBar()
     def ExtractFluo(self, xlsfilename):
         """This is the function that takes as argument the filepath to the xls
         file and writes in the file.
@@ -626,96 +704,95 @@ class App(QMainWindow):
         first time writing in the file), the flag is False, thus it adds the 
         cell number at the end of the column.
         It then saves the xls file.
         self.WriteStatusBar('Extracting the fluorescence...')
-        # opens the file to read it.
-        book = load_workbook(self.xlsfilename)
-        # iterate over all the channels, so over all the sheets in the file
-        for channel in range(0, self.reader.sizec):
-            # loads the picture corresponding to the channel, time index and fov
-            image = self.reader.LoadImageChannel(self.Tindex, self.FOVindex, channel)
-            # loads the sheet to read out corresponding to the current channel
-            sheet = book.worksheets[channel]
-            # this index contains the value of the maximum number of rows in the
-            # file, it is used to append at the end the cell number column a new
-            # cell/value, and it is updated each time a new cell is added.
-            tempidx = sheet.max_row
-            # np.unique(array) returns an array which contains all the value
-            # that appear in self.m.plotmask, so it returns every cell value
-            # including the background (value 0) present in self.m.plotmask
-            for val in np.unique(self.m.plotmask):
-                # Skip background
-                if val == 0:
-                    continue
-                # Calculate stats
-                area = (self.m.plotmask == val).sum()
-                tot_intensity = image[self.m.plotmask == val].sum()
-                mean = tot_intensity/area
-                var = np.var(image[self.m.plotmask==val])
-                # if flag is false it means that the cell number
-                # corresponding to val is not present in the xls file, first
-                # column.
-                flag = False
-                # iterate over all the rows
-                for row in range(sheet.max_row+1):
-                     # test if in the first column 0, the number of the cell
-                     # is already present
-                     # if sheet.cell_value(row,0) == str(val):
-                     if sheet.cell(row = row+1, column = 1).value == str(val):
-                         # if is present, the column corresponding to the
-                         # current time index is by iterating over the cols.
-                         for col in range(sheet.max_column+1):
-                             # test if it is the right column
-                             # if sheet.cell_value(0, col) == 't = {}'.format(self.Tindex):
-                             if sheet.cell(row = 1, column = col+1).value == 't = {}'.format(self.Tindex):
-                                 # write in the xls file at the row, col coord
-                                 sheet.cell(row+1, col+1, str(tot_intensity))
-                                 sheet.cell(row+1, col+2, str(area))
-                                 sheet.cell(row+1,col+3, str(mean))
-                                 sheet.cell(row+1, col+4, str(var))
-                                 book.save(xlsfilename)
-                                 # the flag is set to True so that it does
-                                 # not execute the code where the cell is
-                                 # added in the xls file in a new row.
-                                 flag = True
-                if not flag:
-                # this lines are executed if a new cell is detected or if
-                # if it is the first time to write in the file.
-                    for col in range(sheet.max_column+1):
-                        if sheet.cell(row = 1, column =  col+1).value == 't = {}'.format(self.Tindex):
-                            # it write the cell value/cell number in the
-                            # column
-                            sheet.cell(tempidx+1,1, str(val))
-                            # writes the data extracted before
-                            sheet.cell(tempidx+1,col+1,str(tot_intensity))
-                            sheet.cell(tempidx+1, col+2, str(area))
-                            sheet.cell(tempidx+1, col+3, str(mean))
-                            sheet.cell(tempidx+1, col+4, str(var))
-                            # it updates the number of rows as a new cell
-                            # has been added, so there is one more row.
-                            tempidx = tempidx + 1
-                            book.save(xlsfilename)
+        # List of cell properties
+        cell_list = []
+        for time_index in range(0, self.reader.sizet):
+            # Test if time has a mask
+            file = h5py.File(self.reader.hdfpath, 'r+')
+            time_exist = self.reader.TestTimeExist(time_index, self.FOVindex, file)
+            file.close()
+            if not time_exist:
+                continue
+            # Extract statistics for all channels and all cells
+            for channel in range(0, self.reader.sizec):                
+                # load picture and sheet
+                image = self.reader.LoadImageChannel(time_index, self.FOVindex, channel)
+                mask = self.reader.LoadMask(time_index, self.FOVindex)
+                for val in np.unique(mask):
+                    # bg is not cell
+                    if val == 0:
+                        continue
+                    # Calculate stats
+                    stats = self.cell_statistics(image, mask == val)
+                    stats['Time'] = time_index
+                    stats['Channel Index'] = channel
+                    stats['Channel'] = self.reader.channel_names[channel]
+                    cell_list.append(stats)
+        # Use Pandas to write csv
+        df = pd.DataFrame(cell_list)
+        df.to_csv(self.xlsfilename, index=False)
+    def cell_statistics(self, image, mask):
+        """Calculate statistics about cells. Passing None to image will
+        create dictionary to zeros, which allows to extract dictionary keys"""
+        if image is not None:
+            cell_vals = image[mask]
+            area = mask.sum()
+            tot_intensity = cell_vals.sum()
+            mean = tot_intensity/area if area > 0 else 0
+            var = np.var(cell_vals)
+            # Center of mass
+            y,x = mask.nonzero()
+            # sample = np.random.choice(len(x), size=50, replace=True)
+            com_x = np.mean(x)
+            com_y = np.mean(y)
+            # PCA only works for multiple points
+            if area > 1:
+                pca = PCA().fit(np.array([y,x]).T)
+                pc1_x, pc1_y = pca.components_[0,:]
+                angle = np.arctan(pc1_y / pc1_x) / np.pi * 360
+                v1, v2 = pca.explained_variance_
+                roundness = v2 / v1
+            else:
+                angle = 0
+                roundness = 1
+        else:
+            mean = 0
+            var = 0
+            tot_intensity = 0
+            com_x = 0
+            com_y = 0
+            angle = 0
+            roundness = 0
+        return {'Mean': mean,
+                'Variance': var,
+                'Total Intensity': tot_intensity,
+                'Center of Mass X': com_x,
+                'Center of Mass Y': com_y,
+                'Cell Angle': angle,
+                'Roundness': roundness}
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     def ShowHideCNNbuttons(self):